Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!! I hope your break was fun and relaxing. I would love to hear about what you did. How was Mexico, Daniel and Kevin?

My brother came out to Chicago to visit over break. He will be graduating this year with his degree in Architecture, so we had a really fun time touring the city, and looking up at all the famous skyscrapers. Chicago is home to the first skyscraper, and is known around the world for its famous skyline and buildings. Many famous architects worked here, and when you view the skyline it is full of their impressive work.

Post a comment and tell me what you did!


Peter said...

Mexico was awesome. Both Kevin and I were on the Vacation Bible School team. We sang songs, played soccer, did some crafts, and acted out the story of David and Goliath along with some other skits. Pretty much everybody we encountered was friendly and was excited to have us there. Although the week was full of work projects, soccer camp, vbs, and a youth group type event we hosted, we all had a fun productive week. I wish we could go to Mexico more than only once a year.

Hilary Severson said...

Sounds like an incredible time Daniel! Thanks for posting. I'm sure you were really good at interacting with the kids at their level. Would love to see some pictures when you get a chance. That is great you did that and I'm sure it will have an eternal impact!